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These are the major projects I have worked on in my time as a developer.
Though I primarily work in Unreal Engine,
I have some experiance using C++ and C# to make websites and mobile applications.
If you would like to learn more about the development process for these projects, most of them have Development Slides attached via the 'Development' link.



Moonshine (Console)
Status: Early Access
Role: Lead Programmer
Asymmetrical Multiplayer on the Moon.



Castille (Desktop)
Status: Released
Role: Creator
Horror platforming through a CRT lens.


Norberta Image.png

Norberta (Mobile)
Status: Demo
Role: Technical Support

Government used call centre bot. 


Come Die With Me (VR)
Status: Released
Role: Programmer/ Technical Support

Burger throwing action in Virtual Reality. 


Wispy Business (Desktop)
Status: Prototype 
Role: Creator
Ghostly chases in a haunted forest.



Northampton App (Mobile)
Status: Demo
Role: Technical Support

Public Sector app to report littering with Geolocation. 


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